New to Mixed Media or Painting with Acrylics?
This is a great workshop to learn a variety of mixed techniques!
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Is this class downloadable?
You will have a downloadable PDF however all the video lessons and other course content are viewed on our workshop platform.
How long will I have access to this course?
This class will be offered for an unlimited amount of time. We have no end date in sight so you can work at your own pace. If we should close our site or retire the course, we will give students ample time to take lessons once again.
What supplies will I need?
The official supply list will be available upon registration but to give you an idea of what we will be using: we will be using acrylic paint, some texture and acrylic mediums, drawing tools, stencils, and stencils. We work on a journal, wood, and canvas. If you have some acrylic paints in your 'toolbox' you probably have most of what you need.
What support will I receive?
This is a self paced course so you will be working primarily on your own. For chats, posting your work, and posing questions, there is a Facebook Group you can join in to receive support and encouragement.