What is Podtastic?

Podtastic is a full-length online painting workshop. This is the perfect course for beginner painters looking to dive into the world of abstract & whimsical painting. During the course, we will cover a variety of background techniques including layering, using mixed media with acrylic paint, color studies, and product exploration before we move on to exercises to build your confidence and your compositions Color and blending are key components in the process along with doodling, layering, designing, and creating in an abstract manner. This a great class for beginning artists who want to explore the world of mixed media and abstract painting.
Podtastic with Jodi Ohl

Who is this course for?

If you are new to mixed media painting or want to learn more about it, this course is for YOU.

Truthfully, you can be at any skill level. The course is structured in a way that will be accessible to the beginner but also challenging enough for the more advanced student. If you follow along with all the videos and complete the exercises, you should feel more than comfortable throughout the process. As far as supplies are concerned, if you are new to painting this course may require a bit of investment as paints other than craft paint will be part of the recommendations in order to get the bright and bold colors achieved in the samples. The large majority of supplies should be ones that most painters and mixed media artists have on hand already or ones that are readily accessible.
Podtastic with Jodi Ohl

Are You Ready for a PODTASTIC Time?

Join in this favorite classic workshop by Jodi Ohl at a new budget price!


  • What will we be working on in this course?

    We will complete 2-3 full paintings in the workshop in a variety of sizes, plus work in our journals as a playground for ideas. Prompts will be given to jumpstart your creative muse! In addition, you will also see at least one start to finish painting so that the whole process can be revisited without interruption. In other words…there is a lot you will learn!!!

  • How long will this course be accessible?

    Most of our courses are left open with no end date. With that in mind, in the unlikely event a workshop needs to be retired (due to lack of sales, space requirement, or if a teacher retires that class), all students will be given ample time to finish the course prior to the class becoming unavailable. Many of our older workshops have been up for several years! Our goal is to have classes open for a minimum of 36 months.

  • How long is this course?

    The videos in total run approximately 5 hours long. Plan on spending 3-4 weeks to fully work on projects and lessons (depending on how fast you work and the time you have allotted to spend on the workshop.

  • What type of support will be available to help me with this class?

    This course has been re-released as a self-study course. Students can work at their own pace for as long as they would like. We do have a Facebook group available if you would like to share your work with other students. Your instructor will pop in the group from time to time but due to the lower price, one on one assistance and critiques are not available.

  • What type of supplies will I need?

    As far as supplies are concerned, if you are new to painting this course may require a bit of investment as paints other than craft paint will be part of the recommendations in order to get the bright and bold colors achieved in the samples. The large majority of supplies should be ones that most painters and mixed media artists have on hand already or ones that are readily accessible. Acrylic paint, Art Journal, Canvases, Mixed Media Drawing Instruments, Stencils, and assorted painter's tools such as brushes, etc. A complete list will be available for download once the class is available/purchased.

Don't Delay!

Join in the fun today!

Podtastic's regular retail price was $85. Our new LOW Budget price is now only $55.

Meet Your Instructor

Artist, Instructor, and Author-Jodi Ohl

Instructor Jodi Ohl

Jodi Ohl is a best-selling author, award winning mixed media artist and creative instructor, originally from Dunkirk, NY, who now resides in Aberdeen, NC. Having left her day job in 2011 to pursue her artistic career full time, she has built a body of work that is known for its distinctive texture, bold color combinations which are often whimsical or abstract compositions, as well as motivational in nature. Her art appeals to those that seem to be young at heart and who appreciate the positive side of life whether communicated through words, colors, or composition. Published in over 36 international mixed media magazines such as Cloth Paper Scissors, Somerset Studios, Artful Blogging, Artful Journaling, Somerset Holidays and Celebrations, and Cloth Paper Scissors Studios, Acrylic Artist, as well as a contributor to 7 mixed media books. For three years in a row, Jodi’s paintings have been featured in the curated books featuring the best of mixed media, “Incite 2,3 and 4”. In 2016, Jodi had the distinct honor of being the featured artist in Somerset Studio magazine’s Nov/Dec issue has been a regular guest columnist for Cloth Paper Scissors over 9 years. Jodi enjoys writing about her art and sharing the love of healing and motivation through creativity. She is represented by regional galleries in North Carolina and several others along the East Coast. In addition, Jodi is a popular mixed media art teacher online and in person, teaching at both large and small local and national workshops around the US. When not painting, she enjoys time with her two sons, Joshua and Zachary as well as other friends and family. Jodi’s first book “Abstracts in Acrylic and Ink”was recently released by North Light Books and is currently working on her second publication due out in the near future. Combining her approachable teaching and writing style, Abstract in Acrylic and Ink, is much like having a seat next to the artist at one of her popular workshops. Jodi welcomes visitors to her website Jodi Ohl (www.jodiohl.com) where you can find a full listing of classes, weekly musings, and additional artwork for sale. Be a part of the inner circle by subscribing to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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