Abstract Interactive - SELF STUDY!
CourseCYBER SALE! SAVE $100 OFF-NOW $197. SELF-STUDY-Abstract Interactive is an immersive painting class using acrylic paints. Study: color, composition, and design through recorded video, zoom replays, and PDFS. Over 8-10 weeks of exercises.
Absolutely Abstracts
CourseCYBER SALE! SAVE 40% OFF-NOW $75. Explore the Mesmerizing World of Abstract Art Online. Join Jodi Ohl in her self-study course, Absolutely Abstracts, using acrylic paint to create amazing Abstract Paintings.
Abstracts in Cold Wax and Oil Painting
CourseCYBER SALE! SAVE 40% OFF-NOW $75. Abstracts in Cold Wax and Oil Painting is a robust introductory online course for artists who are interested in exploring this intriguing medium. Texture, layers, mixed media, and more.
Grunge Ink: Abstracts Using Yupo Paper
CourseCYBER SALE! SAVE 40% OFF-NOW $39. During this unique, fun-filled acrylic painting workshop, you will create a variety of abstract paintings using Yupo Paper, specialty acrylic paint, and ink along with various mixed media supplies.